Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Void

And in the darkness she crept back. Millions of thoughts enter her mind. She patiently ponders on each one, as torturous as it may seem. She had the whole night, and enough darkness to conceal her and her tear-stained face.

She is ugly. So she hides in a place where she could pretend that she doesn't exist.
She wants to get out but desperately tries not to. This is her only form of escape.

So she gives herself a reminder that she still does, indeed, exist.

A painful, yet temporary reminder.
The one that stings when water runs through it--and only water can erase the stains away.

Thinking about how she just can't get her life in order, back to the way it was.. It was so frustrating.

She wants to get better, but she can't. Things keep pulling her into a downward spiral.

And now she is stuck in the void. Helpless.


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