Friday, October 12, 2012


His usual routine:

Open the window, check to see if anyone can see him from below, and then he lights his cigarette. This man may seem shady, but all he wanted was some time to get away and breathe. Ironic, but it was the only way.

A puff of smoke clouds his vision and he closes his eyes as he inhales the rest of it deep in his lungs. Ah, yes. It's the feeling that tranquilizes his nerves. He opens his eyes and looks at the view.

What view? His apartment is right beside this big, boring white building that seemed to never end. How attractive. But being in this state, he has no other choice but to soak in the cracks and the dirty rain marks on the building's facade. He's learning how to see details and how to make them seem like the bigger deal in what people thought of as an ugly sight.

He likes that feeling--knowing that he's the only one who could see that. But he did wish to share it with someone because he knew there was more to the view outside his window.

He thought, if people just stuck their heads out of the window far enough, they'd see a piece of his city's skyline, and just a glimpse of the warm orange sky that slowly faded into what seemed like a deep blue ocean.

He has so many ideas, but feels powerless and inadequate to execute them.
He has so much to offer, but it wasn't his time to share them.

He feels that satisfaction of being able to ponder on things that matter even for just two minutes. All it took was that little time to breathe, a cigarette, and that split second 'til the smoke dissipates into the air. In this fast-paced world, he wishes people would stop and do the same.

Now, what do you think of this man? First impressions can't always last.


kingkinu said...

I've never got whats so great about cigs. i smoke em but i dont buy packs i only smoke when im at the bar and i have a few friends i can bum off of. im addicted to dip though..............
Check out
for cigs

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