Saturday, October 27, 2012


I arrived just in time for my 2:45pm class, if not, maybe I was a few minutes late. Our professor wasn't there yet so okay, I'm safe. Haha actually she doesn't even check the attendance, but I'm pretty anal about being present in all of my classes. After all, what's the point of going to school if you're not going to attend your classes. #petpeeve

Well anyway, that's not what I want to talk about. When I sat down in one of the chairs in the first row, a couple of my guy classmates were fussing over something on Facebook beside me. When I checked to see what it was, they were looking at the profiles of girls whom they supposedly know.

What ticked me off was how they talked about those girls in such a superficial manner. I heard comments like "di naman siya maganda eh (she's not even beautiful)" and "okay lang.. pwede na (she's okay..)" and other pretty degrading stuff. They were sort of looking for prospective girlfriends or something. (Hell, if they knew you talked about women in that manner, wow, good luck in getting girlfriends.)

I'm not a feminist, but being a fellow woman, I got offended for those ladies who didn't know shit about what those guys were saying about them. I mean, I know it's none of my business because I was only eavesdropping, but it makes me wonder how guys see us girls. Sure, call me a hypocrite. I judge men on their appearance too, but that doesn't mean they can get "crossed out of my list".

Maybe it comes with age. Being superficial is such a shallow basis for someone to fall in love. It always will be. I admit, I get crushes on some guys because they're cute or they have a nice physique. It still boils down to the guy's personality.

No wonder some girls get so body-conscious these days. No wonder some girls think they're not enough. No wonder us women feel incredibly insecure about our appearances.

Do we live to be beautiful for just you guys? Do we simply live to be loved? Are we just there for you when you feel like it? Are we here so that you won't feel alone/unloved? What the fuck are we then? Objects? Things? Toys?  Wow.

Fuck that. We are women. We have to be treated with utmost respect because SOMEDAY, we will be the ones who will be carrying the fruit of your fucking seed, and we'll be the ones who will have to go through the pain to get that fucking tree out of our vaginas.

It's not that I'm saying that men will forever be under our power. But if you guys treat us right, you will be rewarded. Seriously. We will love you 10 times back. Because we're women -__- WOMEN.

(Almost done with the rant, don't worry.) It's such a big turn-off. Even if you're one of my friends, and I hear you talking about a girl like that, I'd be scared because who knows what you guys think of me.

Then again, like I always tell myself, "There's no reason to wear make up. Why? You're not here to pick up a boyfriend. You're here for one thing, and one thing only. Your education."

Please, Junessa. Hahaha stop lying to yourself. You've got one extra eye open for that.

True. Haha I'm not going to lie. Basically, I just don't want distractions. I have goals. Plans. Expectations to meet. I want a future. But if my future boyfriend will be good to me, and he won't be a bad influence or whatnot, well.. Hahaha exceptions can be made.

Well, to my future boyfriend:
I hope you will be my first and my last.
I hope we won't ever outgrow each other.
I hope we'd always bring out the best in each other.
I hope you will love my past and my present as much as I will love yours.
I hope you will respect me and my decisions.
I hope for us to become best friends.

Hala, wedding vows? Hahaha. But seriously. I beg of you to treat me right. Treat me like a queen, and you'll forever be my king. WAAAAAT HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK.

These cheesy lines are like word vomit to me, so I apologize for that.

Welp, I'm watching tonight's Philippine Fashion Week show. I'll be leaving in a few


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