Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oh, People.

You know, some of them just don't understand what you're going through. So just stop wasting your time trying to explain to them whatever it is you want them to understand. You'll end up getting even more pissed off.

To the dude who thinks he's cool for showing me something that reminded me of my past, of that thing that hurt me the most, and of that time where I thought I hit rock bottom: Fuck. You. You don't know how much it hurts me that you can take that so lightly when even the thought of hurting myself makes me feel like dying. And you think that's a laughing matter? Wow.

Give that douche bag a round of applause.

And to the guy who barely knows me and keeps assuming my feelings: Fuck you too. Just stay away from me and grow some balls. No wait, in Betty White's words "GROW A VAGINA." At this point, the way a woman's mind works will REMAIN a mystery to you. Good luck.

WHY. Why do people like that live in this world? WAHAHA just kidding. If they didn't, I wouldn't even be able to think and learn about things like RESPECT, EMPATHY, COMPASSION, and CONCERN for fellow human beings who are going through tough times.


Junessa for president. Woo.

It's surprising I haven't screamed rainbows of cusses at their faces.


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